Sunday, March 4, 2012

sshirlyglamup-Beacon 2012 entry

sshirlyglamup-Beacon 2012 entry

I apologize for the audio! Please use earphones! :) "As a Cosmetologist, I like to view all of my work as art. Hair & makeup is my kind of art. I love being able to transform or enhance someone's image. When people hear that I'm in the Cosmetology field, quite a few of them think I won't be able to make good enough money, but that really just depends on how far I decide to take myself. Whether it's from a neighborhood salon, or backstage behind fashion shows. You can't let the negative things in life stop you from doing what you're doing, but instead, let it motivate you even more. It's not up to you to explain to them, you have to show them. That's exactly what I'm doing, and people are gonna see that, through my work and through me. My name is Shirley, and this is sshirlyglamup. The Art of Beauty & Inspiration."