Saturday, April 7, 2012

Enchanted ICONic Boyz Love Story CH.9

Enchanted ICONic Boyz Love Story CH.9

Hey BREauties! CH9 Enchanted~Comment Rate Sub and Enjoy~ Vinny POV I looked at Bre. "Do you want to go now?" I ask "well im not ready I look horrible ive been crying for days" she says I shake my head "You look beautiful" I say as I caught the words I saw her blush and tuck a piece of curled hair behind her ear. "fine I guess we can go now, so where are we going exactly?" she says fixing her red crop top over her black skinny jeans. I shrug, as she laughed "then where are we suppose to go?" she asked confused I took her hand "we can just walk," I say she looks at our hands for a moment I pull my hand away thinking she wanted me to. She looked at me and smiled as she grabbed my hand this time interlocking our fingers, now I smiled. "lets go" she says as we walk out. Bre POV We walk in the neighborhood holding hands. I dont know what to think anymore. I cant get Alex out of my mind, Im trying to be strong but its killing me ive been on the verg of sobbing for hours now but I d! ont want to let Vinny down. He wants me to be strong and I my self want to be strong. It seems though when im with Vinny the pain seems to loosen more and more, like nail polish chipping away day by day. I looked at our hands and smiled a little to my self but quickly a frown took over my face. What am I doing? I asked my self as mine and Vinnys hands swinged back and forth. I just got out of a relationship, I cant possibly be falling for Vinny. I mean I want to keep what we have proffesional. He is my ...